Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Size 00 Semi Formal Dresses


Jules Feffer
Ed Salani, 2010, 36 p.
Recommended Reading Age: 3-5 years

Bloomsbury Publishing offers us a new edition of George Barking, register illustrated with a simple text to read aloud, published in Italy in 2000 by Piemme edition in the series the "steamer". From an early age sometimes we feel that we live together in "I" different from their totally different and often conflicting. Grow and the feeling remains. And 'our plural identities, our dull and dark sides, our personality changing where coexist and complement each other if different. Meetings, situations, locations and relationships lead us to change and help to enrich what we are in a different way. How to explain this to children? We can rely upon a beautiful and easy to read, just like this, that apart from this profound message that tries to get us, is a humorous and entertaining story that lends itself very well to play "pretend to" be somebody 'another, playing small roles and experimenting with different social and newspapers, but also to play pretend to be animals! Rather than pretend .... in truth the hero of this book demonstrates, has a sort of identity crisis. When his mother tells him, "Have George" he just can not. Leaving only the odd meows, grunts and from other animals! concerned about the situation, the mother takes George to the doctor for a nice little visit to the throat and ... surprise, the vet pulled out a cat, a pig, a donkey and even a cow!


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