This area has been under study for some time and in the years concerned by some project proposals from private property, however, remained unfulfilled.
Today promises a new phase of intervention that will to complete the recovery and regeneration of the wider area of \u200b\u200bBorgo Dora, concerned in recent years by significant investments in both public and private.
The area via Lanino was recently acquired by Wired Realty Ltd. which, acknowledging the input of the previous project, through collaboration with Arch. Longanizzi ZeStudio and implement a commercial building modeled on the British docks. The aim of the project: to develop a plan of completion of the lot consistent with the historic area where it is located.

The building called "Balôn_zero", in relation to its location in the historical context of the market Balon, insists on an area of \u200b\u200b1900 square meters and involves the construction of a shopping mall, with two underground floors of parking space and two floors of commercial premises.
The building will consist of four bodies, each characterized by the geometric shape of the cover drum, piano, air shed. The front will overlook the main street Lanino while the other two sides are respectively addressed the structure of the Cottolengo and on private property for mixed commercial and residential. The appearance of the building, divided into volumes of shapes and geometries, will be dominated by the facing brick and characterized by the use Zinc titanium.
The project under construction will accommodate new activities and we hope to offer important opportunities for revitalization of the area.
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