INTERVIEW WITH PALACE "GIULIANO", DEALER IN PORT BUILDING Good morning, "Julie," you introduce yourself?
My name is Xia Hongxi I'm 38 years old and in Italy since 1981. I came here in Italy with my brother, I started school with the middle school here in Turin, the Pacchiotti. My parents were already here in turin in 1979. I come from Zhejiang province near Shanghai. I am married with three children who go to school here in Turin, 13, 12 and 9 years. Two males and one female.
What is your job here in Porta Palazzo?
We have a restaurant being named queen Sushi Wok Restaurant, which opened last year in March, in our restaurant the customer chooses the food is then cooked on the spot.
In our restaurant, many members of the Chinese community are to celebrate weddings, baptisms and confirmations, etc. ... Here in Turin also work with the Chinese and Italian-Chinese Association, of which I am vice president. It 'an association that wishes to promote Chinese culture, we are opening an office in Porta Palazzo, however, that in this It is not yet active.
think that this area is safe?
In the Porta Palazzo is improved, even from a structural standpoint, especially since after the 2006 Olympics, for example piazza Emanuele Filiberto, thanks to the car park and many locals around sottorraneo has improved a lot, is now also a center for the entertainment of Turin. In my opinion
Porta Palazzo is a laboratory where they experience the future of Italy and other Italian cities in the area in a very narrow focus of people from different countries and can live very well together.
you think the Chinese community is integrated or feel the need to integrate? If you believe what you can do about it?
The Chinese community is integrated and work hard, and compared to years ago is much more open. Those who arrived after age 20 should try to learn Italian albeit with considerable difficulty. Species newcomers should try to stay more with the Italians, both to learn more about the language and culture.
Our association organizes courses such as Mandarin Chinese to children who were born here in Italy and do not know their mother tongue. Instead, the Italian language courses for Chinese are often very popular in the early lessons, but fail to keep their students for a long time.
Do you believe that the active participation of residents and those working to help the Porta Palazzo area?
In my opinion the most important thing to do, because it allows us to better understand the critical and positive aspects of the land, to grow together. Must be a comparison that goes on during the year and allows us to improve the area. The Chinese community is already responding to institutions and compares with the Italian citizenship.
What do you like and what should be improved?
because I really like the market is open and large, I love all the places that are around.
It should, however, improved the security of the Republic Square when the market closes. In particular, owing to the phenomena of drug dealing and pickpocketing.
Thanks Julie .....