These are the words of Peter Costa in his last exposure in the home-study Via della Pietà, Hermitage culture nestled in the heart of Old Nuoro.
From the large windows overlooking the White Court glimpse the dense colors of his paintings.
Three main colors, Blue, Red and Yellow, are similar to the Masters of the Expressionists' Northern Europe.
Just as Oscar Kokoschka and Edvard Munch, his artistic personality seems almost inspired by the conviction that humanity weights a tragic fate and inevitable that joins nature powerless in the face of the tragedies of life, represented by Cavalli brightly colored portraits.
Ernst Kirchner and Emil Nolde were favorite themes as the marginalized and the common people, Peter Costa touches on topics related to life agropastoral Barbagia: simple but deeply passionate souls, men always broken and in constant conflict with each other and with nature, the women of our country on whose shoulders rests the burden of a matriarchal society and backward.
inside the exhibition
detail of a work
detail of a work
born in Nuoro in 1949, he graduated from the State Institute Art of Sassari in 1969.
few years later, he began teaching in the Painting Discipline Art Institute of Nuoro continued until 1992.
The first staff in 1975, the Gallery "Leomar's by Macon, participated in several group shows in different cities of the island and held another solo exhibition in Piazza Veneto, Nuoro, in 1976.
In later years he devoted himself exclusively to the design of urban housing. Only after a break of a decade (in 1987) starts to operate in the artistic development of its investigation in the expression above all detailed information on painting and figuration and color values \u200b\u200bfrom the lit key.
is present with a solo show at Gallery "The Portico of Nuoro (1987). Particularly since the 90's the focus of exhibitions through numerous personal and collective. In recent years his research is defined not only through the practice of painting but also on the plastic side, first with terracotta and subsequently large-scale works he exhibited in 1991 in Nuoro pietra.Nel The necklace megalithic sculpture, square Veneto, and always in Nuoro, performs a wall against drugs in Sardinia Avenue. Participates in the group exhibition at St. Mary's Mediterranee Images della Quercia, Viterbo 1993, and created the poster for the "Festival of the Redeemer in Nuoro, 1993 edition. warm colors and the title of the staff set up in Nuoro in 1994, followed by other personal to the Gallery "S. Satta", Nuoro 1994; Gallery "The Art", Torino 1995, and subsequent participation in the Collective Self-Portrait at the Gallery "The Wall", Cagliari, 1994. Below are solo exhibitions at the "Corte de sos Ciolos" Orgosolo 1996; Treasures of Culture Sardinian Villa Treasurer, Torino 1996, Gallery "The Wall", Cagliari 1996; voltages, Galleria Comunale d'Arte Nuoro 1997.È this at the Biennial of Contemporary Art at the Trevi Flash Art Museum, Trevi Abruzzo in 1998. Below are some collective investments, among others: The spatiality of matter, city Costiolu, Nuoro 1998, the arches, International Festival "Time in Jazz", Berchidda 1999. Executed in 1999 outdoor sculpture in Nuoro and Ollolai, respectively: the fountain of Istiritta and S'Istrumpa. In 2000, participated in Fight in Art, Filpik Coni, Roma; Take terracotta relief to the entrance of the Seminary of Nuoro depicting a Madonna with Child and keeps persdonale The Shepherd and the moon, at the Casa-Studio Nuoro. Produce in 2001 for the installation Brusiaos MAN Nuoro, and for the same city the Monument The Shepherd and the moon. Also in Nuoro held a solo painting and sculpture and exhibits paintings and sculptures in the show Cagliari in Sardinia for the Arts, held at the Municipal Center for Art and Culture Ex-Ma ', Cagliari 2002.Nella same time makes the sketch for the monument to "Roland Garros. "In 2002, the participation in the Second Triennial of Art and Sport of San Marino and the Ceramic Art Award" Salvatore Fancello ", Nuoro 2002-03.Tiene a solo exhibition at her home studio, Nuoro 2003; creates an installation protest against the war, Piazza delle Grazie, Nuoro 2004.Una his work is preserved in the MAN and works in Nuoro Nuoro.Vive
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