Thursday, January 8, 2009

How To Install Tile Around To


I chose to do the Architect all 'age of 6 years after seeing in the magazines works of Frank Lloyd Wright and Oscar Niemeyer, is a long time ago and after so many sacrifices I have completed what was my dream of life and work. All
'I was struck by universities' Hellenic perfection of the buildings of Mies Van Der Rohe and Louis Isidore Khanna, from 'incredible arenas static Luigi Nervi and believe all' today that it has a huge passion for the subject from the point of view Humanities - artistically and technically - Scientific.
There are things done and people who help to greatly increase my enthusiasm and I refer in particular to the technological development of buildings in the last 15 years.
After shelved in the late 70s, the race for 'tallest building, the' construction industry has been removed in motion in case extent in countries with emerging economies such as Malaysia, China, 'India, the United Arab Emirates.
L 'building shown in the pictures below is the Burj Dubai, currently still under construction, expected to be completed towards the end of this year.

fig.1: Burj Dubai. September 2008. NB the 'building marked by the red arrow has about 70 floors!
While it is still to be completed, this building on the edge of science fiction is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world with its 150 and 700 planes built meters.
's appearance of the tower once completed will be shown in the simulation below, taken from the study of the Architects of Chicago, "SOM (Skidmore, Owing and Merrill) and its designers.
fig. 2 - Building completed simulation

The laying of the 'last stone of this jewel' Engineering and Architecture has reached, according to the indiscretions of the designers, (data to be considered true) 's incredible height of 820 meters and 170 plans not including the 'antenna.
is below a table comparing the highest existing buildings and the Burj Dubai.

Figure 3 - Comparison of the highest buildings on the planet

Here we report images of the skyscraper under construction.

Figure 4 - shot from below the area where there is the Burj Dubai

Figure 5 - Tower being built

photos 6 - Aerial photography, note the different heights of the Burj Dubai and other skyscrapers in the area

The Burj Dubai is not the only sign el 'assertion of' economies of emerging countries such as Arabs, but is a symbol of changing times is the revival of utopian projects considered as one for a mile-high skyscraper designed by Frank Lloyd Wright of 1956 in which the Burj draws in structural solutions, plant tripod and architectural profiles, indicating that the solutions of the American teacher was not utopian, but all too 'avant-garde to be understood.

Figure 7 - Comparison between the profiles of a mile high skyscraper designed by Frank Lloyd Wright (1956) and the Burj Dubai

The Primacy of this colossus of steel and glass, however, should not last very long, there is already talk of a new tower to be built ever in Dubai, the Nakheel Tower, which should reach the 'incredible height of 1100 meters, and according to rumors and news leaked from the press, according to studies conducted by the designers, it would take 10 years of continuous work to complete it (photo below).

Figure 8 - Nakheel Tower, the 'building a mile high, which should remove the record for tallest skyscraper in the world at Burj Dubai

I would spend the last words of this article to talk about the case Italy; our country has no need of some buildings a mile high, but it certainly has a great need for infrastructure of all types in how species in regions lagging behind.
The Land of "don'ts" in recent years has wrapped up conservative positions and certainly not progress which will lead to total breakdown in a short time, if we also analyze the speed at which such changes are introduced by our European partners and in developing countries we will certainly realize that there is much to do.
For those wishing to study issues and topics addressed in this article that is the official site of the Burj Dubai:

Arch.Tito Antonio's MagliocchettiArk
Cultural Association ®

Saturday, January 3, 2009

What Is A Color Intensifier (for Haircoloring)

Man Ray the Man

Tuesday, January 6, the day of 'epiphany, the Museum of Nuoro MAN closes the festival dedicated to Man Ray.
"Unconcerned but not indifferent", this is the title of the exhibition that brings together about three hundred drawings, paintings, photographs, sculptures and objects that belonged to the great American artist and photographer. Emmanuel Radnitsky, this is the real name of Man Ray, was born in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) August 27, 1890, to Russian Jewish parents to start with, at the age of seven years, New York. The American metropolis
take residence in Brooklyn. In high school, Emmanuel attends painting classes and then, barely nineteen, he studied at the School of Fine Arts in New York, following courses at the same time drawing and watercolor.
A Ridgefield, New Jersey, where he lived for four years, working as a commercial artist. Try then, with the poet Alfred Kreymborg, to found an artistic community. Meet Alfred Stieglitz and comes into contact with the American avant-garde.
The discovery of European art movements will take place in 1913, after seeing the works of Marcel Duchamp and Francis Picabia Armory Show.
then realizes his first cubist painting: a portrait of Alfred Stieglitz. She married the poet Adon Lacroix in which published the book A Book of Diverse Writings. The ongoing war in Europe blocked his plan to travel to Paris.
Twenty-five years, Man Ray bought a camera to reproduce his paintings and founded the first American magazine Dadaist The Ridgefield Gazook: four pages with his drawings and lyrics by his wife, Adon. And 'the year of his encounter with Duchamp and his first exposure to Daniel Gallery in New York. In 1919 he separated from wife, the only public number of TNT, a magazine of anarchist tendency, and began a collaboration with Marcel Duchamp and photographic film.
The two, along with Katherine Dreier, Henry Hudson and Andrew McLaren founded the Société Anonyme, a museum of avant-garde art.
In 1921, during the fifteenth annual exhibition of photography, won an award for a portrait of Berenice Abbott, then a photographer and sculptor, and later his assistant for three years.
The association with Marcel Duchamp and Man Ray is well established it finally reaches the Dadaists in Paris where he met and became acquainted with Jean Cocteau, Erik Satie and Kiki de Montparnasse.Sono years full of artistic activities: publication of books, participation in dozens of solo and group exhibitions, the realization of rayografie of nudity, portraits and fashion photography. In 1923
turns Retour à la raison, the first of several films (Anemic Cinema, Emak Bakia, L'Etoile de mer, Les Mysteries du Chateau de dé).
In 1929, Lee Miller became his assistant (and will until 1932).
The Nazi invasion of 1940 forced Man Ray to leave the French capital to New York to settle later in Hollywood, where he met Juliet Browner, his future wife, where he remained for 11 years before returning to the French capital, in the Venice Biennale in 1961 received the medal Gold for photography in 1971 while the two retrospective will be devoted, in Rotterdam and London (at the Galleria Schwarz), comprising 225 works made between 1912 and 1971.Man Ray died in Paris in 1976 at the age of 86 years. was buried in the cemetery of Montparnasse .

His epitaph reads: "Unconcerned but not indifferent", the English translation of "I do not care, but not indifferent."

Arch.Tito Antonio Maglio
Ark's-Cultural Association ®