Wednesday, December 2, 2009
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notebook where you record each day memories, observations and events that are deemed most important
Monday, November 30, 2009
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Association The White Lantern index every year a competition for free personal diaries, to from 2010 also reward the best audioracconto longer than 9 minutes. For information call visit
Thursday, November 26, 2009
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Why did I choose the Logs
I deliberately chose the form of a diary because it is a wonderful initiative and almost the only then because I believe in its value.
Write your diary is also a therapy recommended by experts, which currently discharge their anxieties. Write
also helps to sharpen their critical thinking skills. A fresh reading of his writings
allows you to explore the boundaries between past and present. Write a journal
stimulates memory is evidence of an inner life and then keeper of dreams and imagination.
Our competition has become familiar all over Italy and also abroad, where we appreciate not only the socio-humanitarian aspect of the competition but the main purpose which is to raise awareness and encourage scientific research on mental illness. Good work dear friends
We are waiting for your diaries and your media files. More information on the site
Ada Nunzia De Cola
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
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Tripolone Filippo Maria Messina was born in December 28, 1962. He spent his childhood in Massa Carrara. In 1972 he moved with his family in Milan. With difficulty able to adapt to change. Eighteen-year-old electronics expert, but since then, due to a strong form of depression, began his ordeal between hospitals and physicians. On 14 February 1991 Valentine's Day, Philip and Helen join together in marriage. The
SILVIA born January 31, 1993, call from Philip "Pupil" January 23, 1995 Philip II decided to leave, but leave loved ones a "legacy" only: his diaries and poems. The sensitivity of his soul, the depth of his feelings, his immense desire for freedom and justice are all contained in the pages of his writings. Now, finally resting in the family chapel in Motta Camastra (ME).
Mother Ada, that Philip will continue to live in the memory of those who loved him, he founded "THE WHITE LANTERN, socio-cultural association with humanitarian objectives. It can turn all those who live in this type of family drama to receive not only words of comfort but also useful tips to help their loved ones who suffer. The competition aims to raise public awareness and the competent authorities so that s'interessino more to this problem. Mental illness is in fact a disease more common but often unrecognized: comes in a subtle and affected families find themselves alone to fight an unequal battle. "THE WHITE LANTERN" Furthermore, in order to enhance the written word as a moment of free self-expression, announces this year a burping contest open to those who feel they have something to communicate through journals.
In What Episode Does Bulma Kiss Someone?
Thursday, January 8, 2009
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'I was struck by universities' Hellenic perfection of the buildings of Mies Van Der Rohe and Louis Isidore Khanna, from 'incredible arenas static Luigi Nervi and believe all' today that it has a huge passion for the subject from the point of view Humanities - artistically and technically - Scientific.
There are things done and people who help to greatly increase my enthusiasm and I refer in particular to the technological development of buildings in the last 15 years.
After shelved in the late 70s, the race for 'tallest building, the' construction industry has been removed in motion in case extent in countries with emerging economies such as Malaysia, China, 'India, the United Arab Emirates.
L 'building shown in the pictures below is the Burj Dubai, currently still under construction, expected to be completed towards the end of this year.

's appearance of the tower once completed will be shown in the simulation below, taken from the study of the Architects of Chicago, "SOM (Skidmore, Owing and Merrill) and its designers.

The laying of the 'last stone of this jewel' Engineering and Architecture has reached, according to the indiscretions of the designers, (data to be considered true) 's incredible height of 820 meters and 170 plans not including the 'antenna.
is below a table comparing the highest existing buildings and the Burj Dubai.

Figure 3 - Comparison of the highest buildings on the planet
Here we report images of the skyscraper under construction.

Figure 4 - shot from below the area where there is the Burj Dubai
Figure 5 - Tower being built

Figure 8 - Nakheel Tower, the 'building a mile high, which should remove the record for tallest skyscraper in the world at Burj Dubai
I would spend the last words of this article to talk about the case Italy; our country has no need of some buildings a mile high, but it certainly has a great need for infrastructure of all types in how species in regions lagging behind.
The Land of "don'ts" in recent years has wrapped up conservative positions and certainly not progress which will lead to total breakdown in a short time, if we also analyze the speed at which such changes are introduced by our European partners and in developing countries we will certainly realize that there is much to do.
For those wishing to study issues and topics addressed in this article that is the official site of the Burj Dubai:
Saturday, January 3, 2009
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then realizes his first cubist painting: a portrait of Alfred Stieglitz. She married the poet Adon Lacroix in which published the book A Book of Diverse Writings. The ongoing war in Europe blocked his plan to travel to Paris.
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