Saturday, June 26, 2010

How Do You Get Sprites

"Dear students of the laboratory,
since Caesar has rightly pointed out as interesting for you for the examination
of planning the metamorphosis that the competition was' done recently in Turin, at this point
I feel duty-bound to let you know that with my study
(CACP / / Cecilia Anselmi Carlo Prato architects) together with the architect Marco Pietrolucci
we have participated and won first place for the area of \u200b\u200bScalo Vanchiglia.
I invite you 'to look directly at the link of our project
prog winner The Metamorphosis - Scalo Vanchiglia- Turin

remembering that like all other projects, vincitoi that participants in the contest, viewable on
Slideshow site, all are interesting not only for examining urban but also for the design! !
also remind you that, at least with me, you will see 'a review for the last time before the exam
Thursday' July 1 (from morning to the bitter end), and then, who cares strongly suggest come !!!!!!
good work and hope to see reviewed next week "

of follows is
a couple of links that relate to a book and the site of a landscape architect Diana Balmori Italian-American who works on similar themes to those of the laboratory.
He edited a book published in Italy which is called:
" Between the river and city, 'and principles of landscape projects " by Diana Balmori, published by Basic Books Bollati / scheda.php? code = 9788833920061
could provide interesting ideas for the environmental and scenic part of the project.
The site of his studio where they are available all prog>>>> site Balmori Associates


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Invitation For A Death Anniversary


On June 17, 2010, at the Teatro Sergio Secci "of Terni and 'held the panel discussion entitled:" Marketing Urban Development Strategies in the territory. "
The event 'was made possible by the synergistic cooperation between Gypsum Academy, in the person of Eusebius Gualino Young Architects and the Association of Terni (Gatr).
The round table and 'focused on the theme of socio-economic and identity of the territory, noting the existence of new urban scenarios possible.
Among the many famous people who attended the event was attended by prof. Dipak Raj Pant.
Professor. Dipak R. Pant and 'a pioneer of the "Programme of Rugged Land (Extreme Lands Program", a study conivolge insights into ethnographic, economic and social development and economic planning in the areas of the world considered piu'marginali and difficult, historically inhabited.
He and 'a big supporter of the idea that the social and environmental sustainability are fundamental and basic elements of any strategy for competitiveness in the global market, also claims that the chaos of the global eco-systems, ethnic identity and economic emergence of new risks, challenges and development opportunities to be seized.
The prof.DPPant supports various governmental, non-governmental and business issues for sustainable economic policy, strategic planning, linked to sustainable development.
Professor. Dipak R. Pant and 'Director of Interdisciplinary Studies for Sustainable Economy (Head, Unit for Interdisciplinary Suistainable Economy) C / o University Carlo Cattaneo LIUC) and teacher-owner of Sustainable Economy and Comparative Economic Systems at the same university.

If you want further details, some helpful links:
1) Trialogue, Publishers Group II wire albatross - 2006
2) Anthropology and strategy, scientific publisher Guerini - 2004

Arch.Daniele Todd
for Ark's Association Cultural

Friday, June 18, 2010

Hoe To Clean An Old Silk Padded Kimino


After a year of working with workers and residents of Porta Palazzo on the theme of integrated security, we decided to try them out on a concrete and symbolic of care in our neighborhood, why not repaint some walls full of graffiti and writings? Our proposal was accepted by a group dynamic and together we decided to intervene on three walls with different characteristics.
The first wall is the corner of Piazza della Repubblica and Via Priocca, the second is the wall of the nursery at the corner of Via Mameli Andreis, the third wall is that of public toilets near the bridge Carpanini. This wall contains gray work by an artist from Turin, BR1, beautiful and colorful, but marred by an act vandalism. In particular, represented the woman's face was torn. In this case we decided not only to clean up the wall but also to give a face to this woman and do some additional work with some drawings made by children who attend the gardens of Borgo Dora, fornt of work.
Last week then, thanks to the collaboration of the Fondazione Torino Contrada and Industry Urban Furniture City, we were armed with brushes and color and we have cleaned up the three walls. Of course we did not change the face of the neighborhood, but we, in our small, helped to improve the decor of the place where we live and work.

Sincere thanks to all those who participated: Mohamed Moustapha, Daniel, Mark, Simon, Abdelaziz, Eleanor, Fanny, Sandrine, Moulay Hafid, Isabel, Antonio, Carlo, Germano, Conrad, Irene and Paul. Thanks also to those who wanted to be there and not have it done, it will be for next time.

Photo: Paul Properzi

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Football Teams In Showers

A Wednesday to talk about safety and respect cultural exchanges

last Wednesday at the conclusion of the project I am not afraid, a seminar was held between citizens, institutions and Press to talk about the issue of security and narratives of a territory. It was an opportunity for comparison, on the one hand, pull the sums of 10 years of European security door Building and, secondly, think about the difficulty of telling a complex area like ours and means possible.
Among the various interventions we propose considerations Alessandro Stillo, representative of Vivibalon, the Committee on Safety as a tool for citizen participation:
"Some considerations on the safety of a person who lives in Port building, or rather in what was once called "the square of the smoke," for more than 10 years.
First, a consideration that comes to me after these years of participation in the Committee Safety: Safety is a mix of reality and perception, with the result that sometimes it comes among us citizens of the same angle but the district assessments and the perception of security or insecurity of the place are completely different.
Another consideration, the very personal: the security term always causes me a bit 'anxious, as if sottintendesse contrast, insecurity, and I'd really like you speak of serenity and quality of life, rather than security .
That said, I try to list the things for which I have been very useful to sit on the Committee in recent years:
1 - The recognition of otherness: in other words, discussing, even eagerly, in the committee, I learned to understand, to immerse myself, to refute, but always real, everyday life, the opinions of people who live near me, in the same neighborhood.
2 - The compensation of frustration, as in many other areas of daily life, the comparison and the termination of their discomfort does not always solve the situations, but almost always give relief to those so he can express his dissatisfaction. So it was for me at the Security Committee, and I think for other citizens: not reported one case only to see it resolved, I already knew and we knew that in some cases the wait was long, but the very fact of speaking, share it with others, improve the situation.
3 - Understanding the complexity of operations: our citizens often believe that the solutions of the police and the institutions are primarily technical and linear. In short the line to get from A to B is right. Instead, it is not, or at least not so as regards the security operations are complex, long and often intervene in a trigger consequences in others and therefore the assessments are not easy to reverse.
4 - The definition of our unease in talking about these 10 years we have recognized these issues: we, our difficulties, anxieties and inconveniences, we have come closer between us and we became a community.
5 - Finally, the report institutions, law enforcement and citizens: if there's one thing I have to say is that participate in the Safety Committee has redefined my relationship with institutions and law enforcement agencies, has built a close and understanding of their problems (and I think it was mutual), which certainly is not acquired with the normal contact with these two entities.
The Safety Committee is a perfect tool? No, surely. Can you improve? Absolutely, as long as you know, as an old maxim that the best is the enemy of good. I believe that today, if we are dealing with situations of irregularities it is because we no longer shop in front of the heavy, constant fights, illegal taxis and many other things.
course the situation can and must improve, but certainly in these years and every day, hard, become less worse of the past. "

Thanks to Alexander and all the speakers and participants of the seminar which allowed an interesting comparison of the time.